for All (GfA)
At Corby Gymnastics Academy, we provide fun and friendly gymnastics classes for children aged 5-18. We are passionate about helping everyone explore physical activities in a safe and secure environment. Our GfA gymnastics classes are designed to help develop a range of skills and abilities, such as balance, coordination and confidence. Gymnast's progression is tracked through regular reward schemes with the chance to participate in both internal and external competition throughout the year.
We look forward to seeing you at our academy soon!
During our GfA sessions, small groups are instructed by our qualified coaches. For our younger, newer gymnasts, sessions are 1 hour long, and provide a fun environment for gymnasts to learn new skills. Progress is generally swift at this stage and you get to share the excitement and pride that quickly comes with every new skill mastered. Badges and certificates reward their new achievements as well as the chance to participate in internal competitions and showcases.
As your child grows, progresses and gets more confident, they may be selected to train in an Advanced Recreational or Competitive group which requires more time to perfect the harder skills they are learning. Therefore, classes are slightly longer and the badges harder to achieve. This is where the self-confidence becomes evident and progress more pronounced. Selection to longer sessions are at the sole discretion of the coaches.